When: Saturdays at 10:00 AM
Where: Full Cycle Bikes & Colorado Multisport at 2355 30th Street, Boulder, CO 80301
Pace: A(Advanced), B(Intermediate), and C(Beginner) Rides available each week.
Brief About: Route varies each week, routes are all on tarmac and Full Cycle strives to have ride leaders for each group (A, B, and C).
Length: 2-4 hours
Updates: Visit Full Cycle’s shop, check out their group ride calendar, join their Strava club for more information on each ride, or follow them on Instagram
Overview: The ‘A’ ride starts easy and conversational, but ramps up the pace on predetermined segments and climbs and does not wait around to regroup. This is a seriously fast ride for seriously fast folks.
The ‘B’ ride holds a moderate pace with accelerations on predetermined segments and climbs, but their is a brief regrouping afterwards unlike on the ‘A’ ride.
The ‘C’ ride is an inclusive, casual, and conversational pace to welcome new riders and others of all abilities.
Etiquette & expectations for all group rides: Please read & sign their ride waiver before joining.
View their ride cancellation policy.
All riders should ensure their equipment is in good working order, have a spare tube and bike pump in case of flat, and know how to get back to Full Cycle (2355 30th Street, Boulder, CO 80301)
Read & abide to proper group riding etiquette