- When: Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:00 AM
- Where: S. Holly St. & Cherry Creek Bike Path
- Pace: “A” Group (Race Pace) and “B” Group (Moderate/Endurance Pace)
- Brief About: The PHP (Park Hill Peloton) ride, is a Denver early morning weekday classic. Live in Denver and need to get your rides in before work? Look no further than this absolute Denver staple. Want to hammer in the morning and get your race legs ready? Join the “A” Group. Looking for a more relaxed start to your day or trying to develop your ability to one day join the “A”s? Hop in the “B” Group.
- Stava link/map: https://www.strava.com/routes/3054560074973237920
- Length: 45-60 minutes
- Updates: Join the Park Hill Peloton Facebook Group or their Strava Club
PHP Morning Ride (Park Hill Peloton)
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