Brian Simmons
Where are you originally from?: Caracas, Venezuela
Where do you live now?: Golden, Colorado
What types of bikes do you ride/race?: Mtb and some gravel, on rare occasions road.
Favorite type of cow: One of my dogs definitely has cow genes, so I'm gonna go with Argus the cowdog.
Favorite cow fact: African Ankole-Watusi Cows have very large horns which they use to dissipate heat. They also look super cool.
Favorite cow pun: Favorite cow pun? that's udderly ridiculous.
How are you going to make hay this year?:
- Race a couple beginner XC races
- Do the big quad mountain ride from my house.
- Practice, play and record more music.
- Do my first outdoor century at a gravel event.
- Race an enduro event
What does inclusivity mean to you?:
It means you belong regardless of what you look like or where you come from
It means you belong regardless of your ride being a budget bike from ten years ago or a high end super bike
The common denominator is wanting to have fun on two wheels.
How will you be larking this year?: Before joining the cows my goal this year was to work on building a community of people to ride with. That's still the plan but now under the cow banner.
Thinking about our value, Kit Matters: socks over or under leg warmers?: If it's cold enough for shoe covers, those always go under leg warmers, which means leg warmers go over socks.